Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Our boy Jude

It is amazing what bringing a little life into this world can change for you. It happened instantaneously for me upon just meeting Jude for the first time. A lot of people say that life is going to change, or life is over for us. Whatever! - I say bring it on and that life is just beginning in a new way!! I love this little guy so much and am looking forward to the days ahead!! Thank you Lord for blessing us with this child!!



Melissa E. said...

How precious.

Yes, life changes, but you'll never want to go back!

Anonymous said...

I can so clearly remember that overwhelming feeling of love when Melissa was born. I knew I would love my baby, but no one could have prepared me for that deep, all-consuming love. It was different from every other love I had experienced, and it made all the work and all the life changes worth it all!

The wonderful thing is that with each baby that love is just as real, just as wonderful. There is no diminishing of that love. Hard to explain but wonderful to experience!

Grandma Falk