Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Jude's Birthday Party

Jude got a Power Wheel police bike. He loves it. He isn't very good at it yet though. Last night he drove it under the dining room table and practically clothes lined himself:)

A bunch of sand toys for the sandbox John made him.

Check out the sandbox John made. Doesn't it look nice? It ended up raining for his party:( but the kids were able to sneak in 10 minutes of play in the sandbox in between downpours. Luckily, John had put a tarp over it before the sand got soaked. The kids were wet though from walking through the yard so we had to hose them off afterward since the sand stuck to their wet legs.


Kari Falk said...

Cool sandbox. My boys both love their sandbox. Looks like Jude had a great birthday party.

Melissa E. said...

Is everyone healthy again at your house then? Too bad it rained!! We should have decorated while I was there after all. :-)

Looks like you all had a good time despite the uncooperative weather.

Koozie Pricing said...

It is very good for children to have a happy family