This was a gift to Claire for her doll, but she sits in it more than her doll. This is where she opened most of her presents from.
My favorite gift, a Kindle Fire.
Jude was too busy playing with his new toys to eat.
New play tent. This was one happy boy Christmas day.
My Christmas socks.
Claire is going through a phase in which she doesn't like to wear clothes. We're even having trouble keeping her diaper on. She enjoys stripping down and running through the house naked.
Skyping with Grandma and Grandpa Laurie.
Claire loves her new stuffed animal.
Claire stuck a flashlight down her diaper. Then she noticed her diaper glowing so she decided to take it off:)
This picture reminds me of my dad. He also has the ability to sleep sitting up.
John and I were Dr. Seuss' Thing 1 and Thing 2, but I just realized John and I are out of order in this picture. We should have switched signs or switched places. The kids were Care bears.
Me and my Claire bear:)
Our costume winner this year was Ashley Castle as "Annie".
Jude enjoys a caramel apple.
We took two group pics since some came late and some left early. This way we were sure to get everyone in a picture.