Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Shoes in a row

Jude spent the morning taking every shoe out of the closet and lining them up. I don't know why we buy him toys.


Melissa E. said...

He may be CDO, like his Grandpa Falk.

BTW, I wish I had remembered to send the Dora blanket that someone just gave us to you with Mom tomorrow. We're saving it for you. :-)

Lynn Falk said...

I love that Claire is hanging out in the pack-n-play taking it all in. I'm sure Jude is quite good at entertaining her!

Anonymous said...

Silly people, it's a train. Apparently he thinks very sequentially. Isn't that an engineer trait, as in drafting/ designing things like buildings? (Or making beautiful photo albums like your dad.)It's a thought, anyway. Love, Mom L.